
Design a womenswear collection for Rhys Ellis, using 40,000 post-consumer coffee capsules, with the aim of blending sustainability, innovation, and distinctive design, presenting an avant-garde showcase of fashion that transforms unconventional materials into wearable art.
Rhys Ellis
6 months


Address the challenge of creating a cohesive and visually striking women'swear collection that not only utilizes 40,000 coffee capsules but also embodies Rhys Ellis's avant-garde vision, pushing the boundaries of conventional fashion design.


Leverage the unique aesthetic of 40,000 coffee capsules to encapsulate Rhys Ellis's vision, infusing innovation into each piece. Adopt a design approach that emphasises not only the environmental impact but also the creation of a visually striking collection that pushes the boundaries of traditional fashion.


Unveil a womenswear collection that stands as a testament to Rhys Ellis's avant-garde creativity, featuring 40,000 coffee capsules transformed into wearable art. This collection not only symbolizes sustainability and innovation but also offers a unique and visually captivating representation of fashion that challenges conventional norms.

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